Certified Data Professional Certification: Cost, Prerequisites, Salary, and Careers

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JULY 21, 2022

The role of data professionals has become increasingly important as organizations continue to rely on enterprise data warehouses and other big data systems to drive strategic decision-making and overall business performance. Certified Data Professional (CDP) certification serves as an industry standard for identifying data professionals who are well-versed in data management, data warehousing, data governance, data integration, interoperability, and other major concepts of data technology. If you’re looking to obtain in-demand certification that can help boost your career prospects, check out this guide to certified data professional certification.

What are the prerequisites for the CDP certifications by ICCP?

The minimum technical experience varies from zero to 5 years as per the level of credential you are intending for. There are 5 tiers for CDP certifications such as foundation, associate/practitioner, mastery, principal, and executive management. An entry-level aspirant can pursue the foundation certification with educational qualification of higher secondary if he has a significant grasp of the basic technical terminologies.

How much does it cost for applying the CDP examination?

The application fees for the Certified Data Professional (CDP) credential from the Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP) are US$ 249 and US$ 350 including the proctor fee of US$ 50. The foundation level examination is valued at US$ 249 and the professional level exam has a fee of US$ 350.

What is the average annual salary earned by a certified data professional?

The Certified Data Professional (CDP) credential is the gold standard for data professionals. Earning your CDP designation will give you a leg up in the job market and help you command a higher salary. According to recent studies and industry surveys, the average salary for CDP holders is $165,000 per year. And with the rapid growth of big data and data-driven businesses, the demand for certified data professionals is only going to increase in the coming years and hence the salary range can also go higher.

What opportunities are available after earning CDP credentials?

After you earn your CDP certification from ICCP, you’ll be able to pursue a variety of interesting and in-demand career paths in data technology. Here are just a few of the many options available to you.

  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • IT Systems Analyst
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Database Manager
  • Database Developer
  • Data Security Analyst
  • Data Architect

With endless data technology profession options, Denken Solutions bridge you with top companies to persuade your career goals. Click quick and apply straightly in our career portal!

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